
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Region 6-Pittsburgh Obtains Settlement of More than $198,000 for Unlawfully Withheld Wage Increases and Terminations of Workers

On July 5, 2024, the Regional Director of the NLRB’s Region 6-Pittsburgh office obtained a settlement agreement involving four unfair labor practice charges filed by the United Steelworkers International Union against Hello Neighbor, a Pittsburgh nonprofit. The unfair labor practice charges alleged multiple violations of the National Labor Relations Act (“Act”) by Hello Neighbor, including unlawfully terminating five employees for their union support and a supervisor for failing to commit unfair labor practices, as well as denying wage increases to 22 employees. Hello Neighbor agreed to pay more than $198,000 to the employees which includes backpay, wage increases, interest, and compensation for direct or foreseeable pecuniary harms that resulted from the unfair labor practices. Among other remedies obtained in the settlement, Hello Neighbor agreed to: Post and email a remedial notice to all employees who have worked at Hello Neighbor since January 2023; Post an Explanation of Rights under the Act for a one-year period; Rescind discipline and provide a neutral reference for all of the terminated employees and supervisor; Rescind the overly broad Proprietary Information, Confidentiality of Agreement, and Non-Disparagement portions of the separation agreement and notify employees who signed it that those provisions have been rescinded. “I am proud of the Region 6 staff for their efforts in protecting employee rights and achieving a settlement in accordance with the General Counsel’s goal of obtaining fully restorative relief,” said NLRB Region 6 Regional Director Nancy Wilson. “This settlement vindicates employee rights under the National Labor Relations Act by achieving significant monetary remedies for direct or foreseeable harms, along with provisions to ensure the employer’s future compliance with the Act.” For more information, visit us at

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